Monday, September 1, 2014

Home & Home

It's been a little while since I've posted but it is what it is!

While I was home I started using my brothers road bike which he used to use to get around, but hasn't used  since he moved to college. I took it on a nice triangle loop in greater Portland. I rode from my house to Pineland Farms, across to Wolfe's Neck farm and home again. The ride took me about 3 hours, which isn't bad considering I'm riding a 1970 Raleigh Grand Prix. 

Later that day my father and I went go-carting! It was very exciting and new school beat old school!! That's something that never happens to me so every victory counts. After our two races we went and got lunch at Chicago Dogs, it was a different type of restaurant that makes their own hot dogs. I suggest going there if you're in the Scarborough area.

Thursday I went for another bike ride, except I had company for half of it. My good friend Mitch met me at Thorton Academy, half way on my ride to Goose Rocks Beach in Kennebunk. Ever since I can remember I've gone to Goose Rocks Beach every summer because my great aunt rented a beach house there every summer for a month. My father has 2 sister, so each family got a week plus my grandmother also got a week. It is a fact that Goose Rocks Beach is the best beach in the entire world. Undebatable. The sand is so soft and it's never too busy. If you go you also need to go to sinking sand island. Unfortunately a little over a year ago my great aunt passed away and the tradition was no longer. Luck for me, last year my aunt and uncle did rent a house on the same beach but it wasn't the same, close though. Because this would have been the first summer not going, I figured I needed to go. Because I didn't have a car that day I figured it'd be a good idea to make a workout out of it, and I'm extremely happy I did. 

                                  Even though it was a cloudy day it was worth the 4 hour ride

                               The ride home looking out onto the Scarborough marsh

That night my grandmother took me out to Boone's fish house for the best swordfish I had ever had in my entire life.

The day before I left I went for a rollerski with my middle school coach Mark Arienti. It was good to talk about the days when I was a wee lad. 

Later that day my grandmother took my brother out again to the Royal River Grillhouse in Yarmouth. It's a favorite spot of my because the food is always extremely good.

Back in the Aroostoock we started the training week strong with some bounding intervals.

Was nice to be home in Portland but it's also hard for me personally to train by myself. Being back in the county feels awesome and I can't wait to put the nose to the grindstone during the fall and get fit!

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